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September 1, 2014
Getting Started To install ".Punto" theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information in regard to installing the…
June 25, 2014
[trx_section dedicated="yes" align="right" columns="1_2"] [trx_accordion initial="1" style="1" shadow="on"][trx_accordion_item title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod…
June 25, 2014
[trx_section dedicated="yes" align="right" columns="2_3"] [trx_image url="" bottom="0em"][trx_audio url="" controls="show" autoplay="off" width="100%"][trx_button type="square" style="light" size="huge" fullsize="yes" link="#popup_shortcode_1" popup="yes" icon="icon-code" top="2em" bottom="2em"]Get shortcode[/trx_button][trx_popup id="popup_shortcode_1"] Shortcode…
June 25, 2014
[trx_section align="right" dedicated="yes" columns="2_3" bottom="30"][trx_zoom url="" over="" border="light" height="310"][trx_button type="square" style="light" size="huge" fullsize="yes" link="#popup_shortcode_1" popup="yes" icon="icon-code" top="30" bottom="30"]Get shortcode[/trx_button][trx_popup id="popup_shortcode_1"]Shortcode "Zoom"Shortcode text for…