Web Design Services

Video Advertising

Captivate your audience with HD Video Content. If you want to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or even re-market to past website visitors, we invite you to explore video advertising. 

Video marketing is an innovation that can potentially revolutionize the way you do business on the internet. Gone are the days of having to hire an expensive production crew to create a polished masterpiece of a commercial. We now live in an era where the video function on your phone, along with some video editing programs, can produce almost professional quality clips of your business. These videos can appear on social sites such as Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook and they can also be placed right along side content from sites such as CNN, Business Insider, and Cosmopolitan. 

   YouTube In-Stream Ads

Your in-stream video ad plays before another video on either the YouTube Video or Google Display Network. Viewers can choose to skip your ad after a few seconds and when they skip, you are not charged. You pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the duration if it is shorter than 30 seconds) OR if they engage with your video via click through/comment.

Facebook Video Ads

Facebook video ads are a relatively new format but a very powerful one for drawing in audiences to create awareness for your brand. The strategy here will be slightly different than a YouTube video but the results can be just as good, if not better. As always the case with any form of video, engaging and entertaining content will win over your customers and prospects.

Programmatic Video Ads

Moving beyond the larger social networks, there is a large supply of quality video inventory available across the internet with formats ranging from in-stream to out-stream to native but let our team worry about video content distribution. When you partner with us, you gain access to a seemingly unlimited supply of video sources that are brand safe and fraud free. Rest assured our expert team will deliver. 




Pre-Opportunity Fraud Filtering


Pre-Impression Viewability Targeting


Post Campaign Viewability Reporting


Transparent Reporting


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