How To Setup Your Instagram Content Strategy

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How to setup your Instagram Content Strategy

As with all online content and marketing strategies, it’s important to have a well-thought-out content strategy for the Instagram platform as well. And with more than 800 million Instagram users, it can be a very instrumental part of your brand’s overall content development strategy.

The thing to keep in mind, however, is that a content strategy doesn’t just happen automatically. It requires more than just making posts and waiting for your plan to automatically kick in the way you envisioned it. Your Instagram content and marketing strategy should be based on goals you establish beforehand. The strategy should involve mapping out a game plan and action items to achieve those goals

Find Your Voice and Tone and Include it in Your Content

When planning for your Instagram content, there are certain areas that you need to keep in mind. They include the voice and tone used in the content that is associated with your post when following others and when responding to other people’s comments.

Content can also be centered around photos as well as Instagram albums, videos, and storytelling. It allows you to take your readers from one point to another by adding characters to your product or service.

When using content for storytelling, it’s important to avoid hard sales during the process, but rather making sure that your audience relates to your story.

Similar to the voice and tone of your content, it’s also important to consider the culture that you’re targeting as well as the culture that you’re portraying with your content.

Part of your voice and your tone could also include coming up with relative yet effective quotes and inspirational messages that benefit your audience well.

Optimizing Your Business Profile 

In order to capture and connect with as many potential customers as possible, it’s important that you optimize your
• Instagram business account
• Your profile photo, and
• Your bio. You will have to add a link to your website in your bio since they are not allowed on the Instagram platform

Optimizing these three areas plays a significant part in the success of your Instagram page’s success in attracting attention.

Develop Ideal Content to Capture Your Audience

Your content strategy should also involve how you go about establishing the following:

• Identifying your target audience and your market segment
• Developing adequate and appropriate messages to reach your audience and capture their attention
• Creating appropriate content for building brand awareness in general

Unlike individual Instagram accounts, developing content for Instagram business accounts takes on a completely different meaning. They should be done with building the proper image and telling the right story about your business.

Setting Goals for Your Business

With Instagram for business, you have both goals to set and goals to meet. There is a system and a strategy that needs to be developed to attain those goals.

Since Instagram is such an enormously popular platform, it has a very large user base that results in high engagements, which is very beneficial to business users. In fact, according to PEW Research Center, 33% of Internet users use Instagram. Additionally, more than half of them log into Instagram every day. This provides business users with a wider audience that is available to them to reach their goals.

Implementing Some Basic Marketing Research 

Before developing your content strategy for the Instagram platform, it’s important to realize that 59% of Instagram users are millennials. 33% of its users are between the age of 30 and 40 years of age, whereas 18% of them are between the age of 50 and 64.

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Having stated the above, it’s important for you to identify exactly where your target audience fits into the scheme of things in terms of the age demographic. For example, if your target audience is over 50 years of age, Instagram may not be the best platform for promoting your business. However, if your target audience is comprised of the millennials, then you’ve got a much wider audience that is already using the Instagram platform for you to market your content to.

Goalsetting: When mapping out your goals, they should be squarely tied to your target audience and thus, your content should be developed based on your audience and your goals. For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, then the question would be how many people need to become aware of your brand? What would you say to them? What kind of content would be developed to capture their attention? Your goal is all a part of your content development strategy.

Build Followers: In order for you to reach your overall goals, you need a certain number of people following you our brand. You need to determine what that number should be.

Building Customer Loyalty:If your goal involves building customer loyalty, the question would be how? One of the ways, for example, would be to increase engagement and open up the lines of communication between you and your target audience. What this also means is that you would have to put careful time and attention into appropriately interacting with your target audience to gain their trust in the long run so they’ll ultimately become faithful, loyal customers.

Tracking Your Performance

When running an Instagram for business account, your activities need to be conducive to business and the desired results. So consequently, part of your Instagram content should include ways in which you can track your performance. In other words, you will need to find ways to identify whether or not your Instagram content and your overall strategies are helping you reach your goals.

Basically, when setting up an Instagram business account, it’s important to map out your overall content strategy from A to Z so that you can address all areas needed to be successful using the Instagram platform for businesses.

This is author biographical info, that can be used to tell more about you, your iterests, background and experience. You can change it on Admin > Users > Your Profile > Biographical Info page."

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