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[trx_section align=”right” dedicated=”yes” columns=”1_2″ bottom=”30″]

[trx_table style=”2″]

Name Price
Item #1 $10
Item #2 $100
Item #3 $1000
Item #4 $10.000
Total: $11.110


[trx_button type=”square” style=”light” size=”huge” fullsize=”yes” link=”#popup_shortcode_1″ popup=”yes” icon=”icon-code” top=”50″]Get shortcode[/trx_button]

[trx_popup id=”popup_shortcode_1″]

Shortcode “Table”

Shortcode text for example below:

[ trx_table style="2" ]
<td>Item #1</td>
<td>Item #2</td>
<td>Item #3</td>
<td>Item #4</td>
[ /trx_table ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo, consequatur, assumenda, distinctio necessitatibus voluptate alias iste ipsam expedita quod nisi quam laboriosam dolor sapiente. Aspernatur placeat aperiam amet. Minima, laborum, quis, laboriosam sint doloribus nisi quia libero recusandae molestias nam veniam odio labore veritatis iste natus autem consequatur aperiam sed!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit, fugiat, laboriosam dolores vel debitis aliquam eligendi eum minus deserunt officia qui accusamus unde nemo sed totam animi labore! Nesciunt, dolorem nobis nulla non earum repudiandae ratione unde cum ullam nisi laudantium fuga labore at eos natus possimus iusto voluptatum animi reiciendis hic laboriosam omnis odit fugiat cumque tempora reprehenderit cupiditate vel maiores sint in! Non, culpa, quae, perspiciatis omnis ipsam molestiae eligendi quisquam suscipit alias aperiam esse quasi voluptate eos et repudiandae facere facilis. Sit, fugiat, laboriosam dolores vel debitis aliquam eligendi eum minus deserunt officia qui accusamus unde nemo sed totam animi labore! Nesciunt, dolorem nobis nulla non earum repudiandae ratione unde cum ullam nisi laudantium fuga labore at eos natus possimus iusto voluptatum animi reiciendis hic laboriosam omnis odit fugiat cumque tempora reprehenderit cupiditate vel maiores sint in! Non, culpa, quae, perspiciatis omnis ipsam molestiae eligendi quisquam suscipit alias aperiam esse quasi voluptate eos et repudiandae facere facilis. Fugiat, aspernatur, quos, ducimus voluptatum unde odio magni corrupti aut minima ab est id provident inventore odit neque quia

[trx_section align=”left” columns=”1_2″ bottom=”30″]

[trx_table style=”1″]

Name Price
Item #1 $10
Item #2 $100
Item #3 $1000
Item #4 $10.000
Total: $11.110


[trx_button type=”square” style=”light” size=”huge” fullsize=”yes” link=”#popup_shortcode_2″ popup=”yes” icon=”icon-code” top=”50″]Get shortcode[/trx_button]

[trx_popup id=”popup_shortcode_2″]

Shortcode “Table”

Shortcode text for example below:

[ trx_table style="1" ]
<td>Item #1</td>
<td>Item #2</td>
<td>Item #3</td>
<td>Item #4</td>
[ /trx_table ]



officia eum maiores delectus fuga architecto ex blanditiis deleniti quod cumque animi qui repudiandae sequi nam et deserunt temporibus tempore quidem sunt libero reiciendis voluptate non molestias enim quaerat velit numquam. Quo, consectetur, harum molestiae veritatis quas nam laborum culpa amet unde magni possimus tempora praesentium deserunt porro at velit quos enim? Cumque, id ea earum nihil natus aliquam inventore ducimus modi dolor rerum. Voluptatum, ex, repellendus labore provident facere nemo distinctio facilis veritatis sunt quae non minima doloribus quas officia architecto repudiandae delectus ducimus quibusdam laboriosam ratione itaque nihil ipsam omnis voluptas dolore maiores deserunt molestias. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum, excepturi, nemo, possimus earum quo animi reiciendis explicabo quos in repudiandae amet ea delectus aperiam! In, ut, amet, nulla possimus quaerat quibusdam quae aut excepturi nesciunt autem iste aspernatur tenetur dolore. Deserunt, voluptates, ipsa assumenda dolorem possimus commodi rem accusamus nulla laudantium quasi beatae corporis sapiente magni et vero veniam deleniti quia laboriosam. Consequatur, earum, quibusdam repellendus dicta quae vel incidunt tempore reiciendis maxime dolorum. Accusamus explicabo praesentium excepturi. Repellat, reiciendis, laborum officiis sit officia quidem nisi minus autem molestias molestiae ut temporibus sed ex libero enim sint ducimus pariatur quibusdam qui architecto optio nihil nam nobis natus aperiam dicta commodi ullam obcaecati harum soluta animi deserunt eveniet iusto doloribus deleniti veritatis similique cum quia dolores culpa minima aliquam. Ab ipsam quidem nemo quam id.

Pricing tables

[trx_table style=”1″ align=”center”]

<tr class=”sc_table_grey”>
[trx_price money=”29.99″ currency=”$” period=”monthly”]
[trx_price money=”39.99″ currency=”$” period=”monthly”]
[trx_price money=”59.99″ currency=”$” period=”monthly”]
<td>1 Website</td>
<td>100 Website</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Websites</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
<td>100 GB Disk Space</td>
<td>1 TB Disk Space</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Disk Space</td>
<td>10 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br> <i>1 MS SQL Database (Windows OS)</i></td>
<td>100 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br></td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Databases</td>
<td>100 Email Addresses</td>
<td>500 Email Addresses</td>
<td>1000 Email Addresses</td>

[trx_button type=”square” style=”light” size=”huge” fullsize=”yes” link=”#popup_shortcode_3″ popup=”yes” icon=”icon-code” top=”50″ bottom=”50″]Get shortcode[/trx_button]

[trx_popup id=”popup_shortcode_3″]

Shortcode “Table”

Shortcode text for example below:

[ trx_table style="1" align="center" ]
    <tr class="sc_table_grey">
            [ trx_price money="29.99" currency="$" period="monthly" ]
            [ trx_price money="39.99" currency="$" period="monthly" ]
            [ trx_price money="59.99" currency="$" period="monthly" ]
        <td>1 Website</td>  
        <td>100 Website</td>  
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Websites</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
        <td>100 GB Disk Space</td>
        <td>1 TB Disk Space</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Disk Space</td>
        <td>10 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br> <i>1 MS SQL Database (Windows OS)</i></td>
        <td>100 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br></td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Databases</td>
        <td>100 Email Addresses</td>
        <td>500 Email Addresses</td>
        <td>1000 Email Addresses</td>
[ /trx_table ]


[trx_table style=”2″ align=”center”]

<th style=”width:50%”>Standard</th>
<th style=”width:50%”>Premium</th>
[trx_price money=”29.99″ currency=”$” period=”monthly”]
[trx_price money=”59.99″ currency=”$” period=”monthly”]
<td>1 Website</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Websites</td>
<tr class=”even”>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
<td>100 GB Disk Space</td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Disk Space</td>
<td>10 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br> <i>1 MS SQL Database (Windows OS)</i></td>
<td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Databases</td>
<td>100 Email Addresses</td>
<td>1000 Email Addresses</td>


[trx_button type=”square” style=”light” size=”huge” fullsize=”yes” link=”#popup_shortcode_4″ popup=”yes” icon=”icon-code” top=”50″ bottom=”50″]Get shortcode[/trx_button]

[trx_popup id=”popup_shortcode_4″]

Shortcode “Table”

Shortcode text for example below:

[ trx_table style="2" align="center" ]
    <tr class="sc_table_grey">
            [ trx_price money="29.99" currency="$" period="monthly" ]
            [ trx_price money="59.99" currency="$" period="monthly" ]
        <td>1 Website</td>  
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Websites</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Bandwidth</td>
        <td>100 GB Disk Space</td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Disk Space</td>
        <td>10 MySQL Databases (Linux OS) <br> <i>1 MS SQL Database (Windows OS)</i></td>
        <td><span>UNLIMITED</span> Databases</td>
        <td>100 Email Addresses</td>
        <td>1000 Email Addresses</td>
[ /trx_table ]



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